I'm a poet, community organizer, and writing instructor living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I'm currently working on my PhD at UW-Milwaukee.
My first collection of poems, Louder Birds (Pleiades, 2020), was chosen by Traci Brimhall for the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize. My poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Sun, Kenyon Review Online, Prairie Schooner, New Ohio Review, and Best New Poets, among other journals and anthologies. I've been awarded grants from The Sustainable Arts Foundation and Key West Literary Seminar, as well as a fellowship from Writers' Room of Boston.
Before moving to Milwaukee, I co-founded a literary arts organization, The Watershed: A Place for Writers, which evolved into Arts + Literature Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin. You should check it out! It is an incredible resource for artists and writers.